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How to Reduce EMF in Your Home

Whether we like it or not, we are being exposed to a significant amount of EMFs every single day.

With technology progressing at incredible speed, the equipment emitting EMFs surrounds us wherever we go, there is no escape from it. However, there are several things we can do, little changes we can make, to reduce the EMF exposure in our homes. It is a well-proven fact that electromagnetic fields have a significant impact on our bodies. It is no longer a debate about "if" EMF can harm human beings, but rather the focus has now shifted onto what levels are safe and under what circumstances.

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Whether we like it or not, we are being exposed to a significant amount of EMFs every single day.

With technology progressing at incredible speed, the equipment emitting EMFs surrounds us wherever we go, there is no escape from it. However, there are several things we can do, little changes we can make, to reduce the EMF exposure in our homes. It is a well-proven fact that electromagnetic fields have a significant impact on our bodies. It is no longer a debate about "if" EMF can harm human beings, but rather the focus has now shifted onto what levels are safe and under what circumstances.


There is always going to be a conflict between the industry and the government on one side and the scientific world on the other. Debates are being held all across the world as we speak, more research is being conducted, studying the impacts of EMF on our bodies and possible health implications caused by long term exposure in our homes and at work. The man made frequencies used to accommodate our high expectations from today's technology are billions of times higher than the natural frequencies produced by the earth or even ourselves. Our brain, for example, uses frequency just below 8Hz to function and transmit information between our neurons and cells. Now, the frequencies used for our mobile phone services are ranging anywhere from 600Mhz up to 3.6Ghz, and when 5G is fully functional, we will be looking at frequencies of up to 60Ghz. That's 60 billion Hz. Now you don't need to be a scientist to realise that this will impact the way our neuro system functions.


Potential Health Risks

When asked, most people mention some type of cancer as the main concern in relation to EMF exposure.

This is, of course, the worst-case scenario and very difficult to prove. But what we know is that WHO has moved EMF into class A (a potential carcinogen) and this means that high levels of EMF can contribute to or increase the risk of contracting cancer.


There are a number of effects nowhere near as severe as cancer, however, appear more commonly.

Some of them we are very familiar with (sunburn, headaches, insomnia) and some we don’t even notice or associate with EMF, such as decreased fertility, lack of concentration, or reduced productivity.


How to Reduce an EMF Exposure at Home

A good start is conducting an EMF survey. EMF testing will inspect your home and highlight potential hotspots or areas to focus on. In some cases, such a test can uncover a serious EMF presence and will help you address it.


The good news is, that there are many ways we can reduce the levels of EMF we are exposed to every day, without spending any money.

One of the easiest yet very effective ways is to switch off your phone overnight along with your WiFi router. This will reduce the exposure time by nearly 50%. I know that this could be a hard thing to do for some individuals, but the benefits are huge. And if you don't seem to be able to say goodbye to your wireless friend for the night, at least try placing it a minimum of 2m away from you.


Another common culprit emitting relatively high EMFs in our homes can be utility smart meters.

These usually don't pose a huge risk to an average person, however, they need to be placed as far away from your bedroom as possible. Now, if you had a smart meter installed on the adjacent wall of your bedroom, the risk of getting seriously ill over the years increases significantly.


Generally speaking, it is a good practice to switch as many devices in your home to a wired internet connection as possible (laptops, smart Tv, security cameras...).

And of course, try to avoid living near phone masts, power pylons, or substations.

+44 (0) 75 436 402 76

EMF Testing Ltd.

6 Evolution 839-847 St Albans Road,

Watford, WD25 0LH

company number: 12672994

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